10 Social Media Tips That Will Increase Your Engagement 2016

8. Get your own Squad

we want edm squad

So you got your content covered, you have your hashtags ready and your first photos and videos are on your phone or PC, lets make the first post! A thing that really works is recruiting your own fanclub/squad/ambassadeurs! Though we also call them friends and family :-)!

“Engage more than often with your close fans, they are the ones who made/make you big”

Ask them to like, share and support your work. The best way to do this is not via social media, but in a personal request (phone/sms/whatsapp/etc). Real fans want to work for you and really want to share your material (since they LOVE what you do of course). Keep in touch with them, try and build a personal relationship and engage with them more than often! In the end they are the ones who can connect you with their own network!