10 Social Media Tips That Will Increase Your Engagement 2016

2. Content is king


After signing up on all Social Media platforms that are relevant for you it is now very important to think what you are going to share and post. Posting without a goal will end up in no interaction (really, nobody cares that you have just woken up and the sun is shining…). Here are some tips which can work for you before you post any content:

  1. see yourself as a business, act like it!
  2. write your mission, vision and goals on paper. Stick to it. If you are a DJ and 9 out of 10 posts are about you being in the gym: your plan will fail!
  3. Be consistent, if you are still that deejay and you post gym posts maybe start a Fitness page. Otherwise: delete 99% of your gym posts and focus on what Deejays do!
  4. You don’t have to post 365, 24/7 per channel. Yes, some channels work faster (Snapchat, Twitter and other micro-blogging and fast posting services) but in the end the quality of the content is more important. A good schedule should be: post on every channel every other day.
  5. Get a good balance between personal and business. Fans and people love to get to know you personally but never forget you should see yourself as a business. a good mixture should be 15% personal, 80% business and 5% fun/random.
  6. a good example to look at is: Baramuda


“What Can you do to stand out from the crowd?”


also ask yourself:

  1. who is your audience, what do they like?
  2. what do they like and want?
  3. what can I do on social media that 99% of all other people in the same niche cannot?
  4. how are you going to attract the attention of your potential audience?
  5.  what kind of content can I make that really fits the audience?
  6. when do you post your content (day, time, platform, etc.) to get the most momentum?